Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Sociology Term Paper

When asked to compose a term paper on this subject, you should know that you will be involved in a type of research and writing which will go beyond the normal class paper to an instructional paper. Keep in mind that you will be uncovering something particular about nature and your readers will want to have some learning through your research and writing.
Begin this term paper with a good topic. Every topic for a sociology paper should be a good topic provided that it identifies some form of wrong behavior and propose ways in which this behavior can be curbed. This will mean that your topic should be composed in a manner in which the readers will recognize that you are talking about causes and effects and that you will seek to propose solutions. There are so many areas in which your sociology paper can be written on. You should take a look at previous terms papers and make sure that your topic is not a repetition of what has already been written. This is especially if you aim to publish your paper in any of the journals in social sciences.
It is good to start writing with an abstract. Your abstract should not b very long; it should tell the readers all that has to be known about the social behavior in question. In most term papers, your abstract will not go beyond one or two pages. This will require you to be very selective in what you write. Look at where so many words will be replaced by a single or very few words. But make sure that all the keywords and their related phrases in your topic have been highlighted in the abstract.
If you have to prove to your readers that there is something wrong which needs correction, your tone of language has to be very sober. Do not be assertive in the manner in which you write. Remember that you must bring in evidence to support your claims and make them convincing to your readers. These and more should be ethically, emotionally and logically appealing to the readers. Avoid any form of biased language. In most cases, any form of verifications you employ should consist of facts, figures and expert opinions. Remember that you will also have to do some field research. It will be imperative to meet those personally affected by the problem and get firsthand information from them.

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